W hen was the last time your iPhone made you coffee? And no, I don't mean "pointed you toward the nearest Starbucks"—I mean actually brewed a cuppa joe.
Introducing the Pomegrante Phone, the first smartphone to offer e-mail, Internet browsing, an MP3 player, and GPS navigation in addition to such atypical "extras" as a harmonica, an electric shaver, and a coffee brewer.
What? Is this for real? Well, no. But it is a pretty clever, albeit expensive, viral ad campaign.
The L.A. Times explains:
The Pomegranate Phone is part of a $300,000 ad campaign put together by Nova Scotia. Yes, that Nova Scotia, the small province in southeastern Canada.
Indeed, clicking the "release date" link in the upper right-hand corner of the Pomegranate Phone's microsite reveals the truth:
"Someday you'll be able to get everything you want in one device," reads the text that appears on-screen as you're redirected to Nova Scotia's tourism site. "Today you can get everything you want in one place.
Introducing the Pomegrante Phone, the first smartphone to offer e-mail, Internet browsing, an MP3 player, and GPS navigation in addition to such atypical "extras" as a harmonica, an electric shaver, and a coffee brewer.
What? Is this for real? Well, no. But it is a pretty clever, albeit expensive, viral ad campaign.
The L.A. Times explains:
The Pomegranate Phone is part of a $300,000 ad campaign put together by Nova Scotia. Yes, that Nova Scotia, the small province in southeastern Canada.
Indeed, clicking the "release date" link in the upper right-hand corner of the Pomegranate Phone's microsite reveals the truth:
"Someday you'll be able to get everything you want in one device," reads the text that appears on-screen as you're redirected to Nova Scotia's tourism site. "Today you can get everything you want in one place.
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