Sunday, 24 April 2011

Toshiba G450

As well as having an MP3 player, the Toshiba G450 has an alarm clock. This may seem silly, but as a mobile phone alarm clock is probably its most used PIM function, then it's reassuring that it is there.  And it's worth mentioning because really, apart from MP3s and the alarm clock, the Toshiba G450 doesn't really do anything else. OK, you can make calls, send texts and manage your contacts list too.. but really you wouldn't want to try doing anything else on the G450's tiny screen.

Toshiba say that the maximum talktime on 3G is just 70 minutes, with up to 140 minutes talktime on GSM. Standby time is 7-8 days. The short talktime is due in part to the small 600 mAH battery. You can tell by this that the natural environment for the G450 is to be plugged into a laptop with a USB cable.

This is a very odd device. But we give credit to Toshiba for trying something different with the G450's design. Think of it as an alternative to a standalone USB cellular modem, and you might be close to figuring out the G450's target market.

Toshiba say that the G450 should be available from the first quarter of 2008 across Europe, in Black, Red and Silver colour combinations.


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